9 times out of 10 removal of trees in clients gardens can be done via traditional techniques such as felling or climbing and dismantling using ropes and pulleys.
Sometimes however we may need to use a "spider lift". There are a number of reasons we may choose to do this, the first is that the tree we are removing may be over high value assets, such as buildings or outhouses. If we can't safely dismantle the tree by climbing it, the MEWP gives us more room and angles to work with.
Another reason we may use a MEWP is if the tree is deemed unsafe to climb. This has become more frequent when dealing with dead Ash trees suffering from Ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus Fraxinus). The safety of our staff, clients and their property is always our first priority.
Volume. With roadside clearances where we are raising the crowns of multiple trees for vehicles and pedestrians it makes sense to use a MEWP to quickly and safely get through a work load with minimal disruption to the public.
Our spider lift will fit through a standard garden gate (30 inches) and has a working height of 17 meters.