Excelsior Tree Surgery will be doing a monthly blog on some of the trees we have worked on around Glasgow and the the surrounding areas. First up is 10 facts about the Mighty Scots Pine!
Scots Pine is the National tree of Scotland, and can be found (as well as in gardens) in the Caledonian Forest of the Highlands. Glen More and Abernethy Forest near Aviemore has 70% of the original Caledonian stands in the whole of the Country.
Scots pine is indigenous to the Northern Hemisphere, it can be found in Scotland, Scandanavia, Russia, North America and Canada.
Scots pine can be identified by its Orange scaly bark and it's needles. The Scots pine needles grow in pairs, and have a slight twist in them, that is unique to this species.
Interestingly, a wide range of animals that live within Scots Pine forests have the same Orange coloring's due to camouflage, these include; Red deer, Fox, Pine Martin and Red squirrel
The timber of Scots pine has traditionally been grown for timber. Although it is a "soft wood" compared to other coniferous trees it is far superior.
Pound for Pound the pine needles have a higher Vitamin C content than citrus fruits!
Scots pine is prone to Red band needle rot, along with Root and Butt Rot, so caring for older Pines is especially important
Turpentine is made from the Resin of Scots Pine
Scots pine is Monoecious meaning both male and female are present on the same tree
The oldest known Scots pine is growing in Glen Loyne and is a whopping 560 years old!
If you have any questions about a Scots pine or need any of our tree services to help maintain your tree then get in contact. We offer tree surgery and Arborist services in Glasgow and surrounding areas.